A special Font and graphic design for children
Most children’s books use fonts not suitable for beginning readers. For that reason we developed a new font for primary school children, designed in line with how kids are taught to write:
◊ It uses a lower case “a” -like a cursive “a”- because this is the most taught at school around the world.
Furthermore in the new version of the app (1.0.1) you can choose between this “a” and the standard “a”.
◊ Every letter has its own different shape so that you can well distinguish p, b, q, d, n, u, I (el), I (uppercase i), and 1 (one) even if you are seeing them mirrored or rotated.
◊ Backgrounds are light grey or coloured in order to prevent flashing effects on brilliant screens.
◊ Though you may not even notice it, the letter spacing is almost double than usual. In fact recent studies seem to indicate that an increased letter spacing significantly improves dyslexic children’s speed and accuracy in reading, and it absolutely does not disturb kids who read normally. Could an almost unnoticeable graphic solution be so helpful? Just in case, we have immediately put it into practice!

What is a reading ruler?
It is only a transparent coloured ruler, but, depending on the person, it can improve reading ability, because it helps focus and track on one line at a time, and reduces the glare on the page by providing the correct colour contrast between letters and background.
Primary school teachers have been using with success this kind of tools in the “real” world for a long time, but this is probably the first time reading rulers are introduced in an app .
You can find a ruler on the left hand of every page of the Lola Slug’s app on the “Read Myself” mode and drag it on the text up and down.You can choose your favourite colour by swiping it right, or decide to leave it in a corner when you do not need it.
What about dyslexia and SLD?
We followed recent statistical data to make reading enjoyable for everyone, also for kids with special needs like SLD and dyslexia.
Remember, though, every person is different, so each person with dyslexia is different, and tools that help many other kids may not work for you. It is important to keep trying until you really find your best way to read and learn.
We hope Lola Slug’s series will help more and more kids to find their own way!
You can find a ruler on the left hand of every page of the Lola Slug’s app on the “Read Myself” mode and drag it on the text up and down.You can choose your favourite colour by swiping it right, or decide to leave it in a corner when you do not need it.
What about dyslexia and SLD?
We followed recent statistical data to make reading enjoyable for everyone, also for kids with special needs like SLD and dyslexia.
Remember, though, every person is different, so each person with dyslexia is different, and tools that help many other kids may not work for you. It is important to keep trying until you really find your best way to read and learn.
We hope Lola Slug’s series will help more and more kids to find their own way!
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